Saturday, December 15, 2007

Mariages are made in Heaven but lived in Hell

No matter how many advices are heard, how many books are read and how many movies are watched, it takes one to walk along the path, to realise how treacherous it can be. Quarrels in marriage are not trivial. They might seem so at first. Just like health symptoms if left untreated can lead to a serious desease, so can the trivial fights of marriages. It just snow balls and when least expected, trashes you over.

You know that when one spouse is angry/shouting/emotional, the other must remain calm and level headed. This will eventually calm down the worked up spouse and soon things can be talked over and problem solved. But in real life, things can be quite different. Words are spit, tempers flare, egos swell and emotions are raw. Patience vanishes, love shrinks, reality blurs and kindness dissapears. It becomes a game of winning, of proving one is right and the other is wrong, of a sinister grin 'I told you so', of wanting to right all the time.

I think I would rater loose a battle to win the war. If my other half is so baloon headed and rattling away, I would just keep calm and will try not to correct him at that time. That will be like pouring fuel into an already raging fire. When things are more peaceful, I might try to wove my point into the conversation and try to get the message across. It doesn't work all the time but when used wisely, it reaps miracles. The key is to do that everytime there is a quarrel and as they say, practice makes a perfect habit.

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