Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Does Poverty Have A Face???

Does poverty have a face?
Is it dark?
Is it yellow?
Is it olive skinned?
Is it an ethnic issue?
Or an economic issue?
A cultural one?
Or a religious one?
Are there no rich Malays?
Or rich Chinese?
Or rich Indians?
Are there no poor Malays?
Or poor Chinese?
Or poor Indians?
Shouldn't the question be:
"Are there no poor Malaysians?"
Can we even begin to solve the issue of poverty
when we camouflage it with the issue of race?
Can we see clearly when we choose only to look
at things through a prism?
Can politicians alone be expected to solve
this issue?
Can we clain to be a community?
Let's try to eradicate poverty.
But let's start by looking into the mirror.
By PETRA Solutions
(This organisation is owned by Vinod Sekhar, one of Malaysia's richest man and whose father was a pioneer in rubber research)
I think this poem puts in place the many arguments, protests, accusations and conflicts that have confronted the Malaysian community since the HINDRAF rally last month. It is worth reflecting on every word.


Unknown said...

Hello Mal,

You have a very inspiring and meaning ful blog :)

I can sense that you are a passionate writer.Thank you for dropping me a line in my blogspot site :)


anits said...

hi mal..very interesting and meaningful post! have a nice day!

Blessed said...

Hello Mal!
Thank you for stopping by my blog.
I love new people stopping by.

You know, I think poverty has
MANY faces!

Mal said...

Dear Ghee and Anits,

Thanks for inspiring me to write better.


Mal said...

Dear Blessed,

I agree with you in that poverty has many faces but the fate of the people in poverty are all the same.
