Friday, December 7, 2007

Cross Roads

Exactly where I am now, a cross road. Two paths that will lead me in two different directions. One path, I have trodden down it. I went up its hills and down its valleys. I basked in its sunshine and weathered its rains. I smelled its flowers and frowned at its rocky paths. I met many wonderful friends along this path. Some walked with me for a while, and then ventured off along different roads. Others have walked with me till now.

The other path, a new one opened to me recently, looks nice. I have not decided to walk on it yet. I think I can see wide green fields and warm sunshines. There are also glimpses of beautiful scented flowers, friendly people and pebble strewn paths. I am so tempted to take this path, to leave the one that I have been travelling till now. I am so inquisitive to explore all the suprises waiting for me in this new road.

My feet feels so heavy to leave the familiar path and take the one less trodden. Am I stuck in a comfortable zone for too long that it has made me afraid at new challenges? I am confused.

I am hoping that the long break will shine some light to guide me along the correct path.


AmitL said...

Hi,Mal...this was a nice post,i.e.the pics,the descriptions of the paths.

And,here's hoping the cross road where you're at, gets converted to the right road,very soon.good luck.

Mal said...

thanks amit. the pics are representations of my feelings at that time.

Keshi said...

hv an enlightening one!
