Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Birthday !!!

Last weekend were the birthdays of two precious people in my aunty, who brought me up since small and shaped me to be who I am today (independent, free spirited and adventourous) and my hubby, the person that I sometimes bully a bit too much, love a lot and appreciate mountaneously.

I will like to take this moment to express my thoughts on these two wonderful people.

My Aunt:

- I am amazed at how much she can keep giving. She is like a spring of eternity, continously flowing her loving tender care for everyone in the family.
- She is a very determined lady. She works for what she wants and encourages everyone else to reach for their dreams.

- Her visionary planning is awe inspiring. She is very wise in planning for the future and very very careful in any dealings.

- Her ethics are exemplary. She taught us from very young that 'it is very easy to be evil in this world today, but to be good takes a lot of concious effort.

-She is amazingly patient in dealing with all of our antiques.

- She always put others before herself, ALWAYS.

- She is a great teacher.

My Hubby:

- I greatly appreciate his willingness to let me be who I am.

- He respects my wishes, which can be unconventional at times.

- I treasure his wisdom, they direct me to the right path, I can be too free spirited and idealistic at times.

- I value his patience in dealing with my temper.

- He is the best planner. He plans the best trips and suprises.

- I love arguing with him on all things, it is so stimulating for the mind.

- He goes out of his way to make me comfortable in all ways.

- He is so continously loving, sometimes I grumblingly reciprocate for my need of space.

- I miss his 'noise' whenever he is not around, for I love peaceful silence. I hate the way he blast the tv and radio but I miss it when he is not there to do it.

- I am amazed at how he tolerate my experiments with cooking.

- We argue like hell but never carry it to the next day.

To these 2 most amazing people, I love you dearly and you will never know how much more my life is happier because of the both of you.

The celebration started with a steamboat dinner on the night of 5th Jan, followed by cake cutting, shared by aunt and hubby. We welcomed hubby's birthday at his fave pub. He had another cake the following day at home with his sisters.

1 comment:

tulipspeaks said...

my best wishes to them both!
